1st workshop on Wireless Network Measurements

(co-located with WiOpt 2005)

The area of wireless networking has attracted a lot of interest in the recent past. Nonetheless, evaluation of the performance of wireless networks and the solutions that are designed to address the identified issues is usually based on simulations. Only recently did researchers turn their attention to actual testbeds for similar tasks. Actual wireless testbeds are likely to prove very challenging environments to work with due to the unique properties of the wireless medium (in contrast to the well explored area of wired measurements and experimentation). The wireless medium is bound to behave differently depending on the location of the testbed and reproducibility of results is no longer a given. Lastly, solutions that have been previously proposed in the literature may be infeasible in an operational environment if they require changes in the network devices. As a result, effort has also been put into designing wireless hardware where researchers can gain access to functionality that is not typically exposed at the network driver level.

In this workshop we would like to solicit short, 6 pages, papers that report on experiences obtained from operational wireless experiments in testbeds or the field. Topics include:

  • operational experience on the performance of wireless networks
  • challenges with wireless measurements
  • experimental (in)validation of usually made assumptions in a wireless environment
  • metrics that would be required in a wireless network for performance evaluation or wireless network troubleshooting
  • experience from building/designing wireless networks
  • description of tools for building and/or managing wireless testbeds (e.g. wireless link emulation)
  • techniques for scaling the testbed
  • techniques for improving the repeatability of tests
  • techniques for validating the results obtained in the wireless testbed
  • methods for simplifying experiment setup and reconfiguration
  • mobility pattern implementation

Important Dates

Submission deadline:
Notification deadline:
Camera-ready due:
Early registration deadline

extended to December 24th, 2004
March 3rd, 2005

Technical Program

The workshop received 32 high-quality submissions, out of which 13 papers were accepted. The technical program of the workshop can now be found here.

Submission instructions

Submissions will be managed through EDAS. To submit your paper please go to http://edas.info/home.cgi?c=4407 .

The submitted paper should not exceed 6 pages in length and can be formatted in two columns with a point size greater or equal to 10.

Author Final Preparation and Submission InstructionsCamera ready instructions can now be found here.

Technical Program Committee

Edward Knightly,
Lakshman Krishnamurthy,
Josep Mangues,
Jitu Padhye,
Konstantina Papagiannaki,
Kave Salamatian,
Aruna Seneviratne,
Suresh Singh,
Leandros Tassiulas,

Rice University, U.S.A.
Intel Corporation, U.S.A.
CTTC, Spain
Microsoft Research, U.S.A.
Intel Research Cambridge, U.K.
LIP6, France
National ICT, Australia
Portland State University, U.S.A.
University of Thessaly, Greece

Keynote Speaker

Prof. David Kotz, Dartmouth College

Workshop chairs

Lakshman Krishnamurthy (Intel), Konstantina Papagiannaki (Intel Research Cambridge)

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